Thank you for taking the time to find out a bit more about Olivia Morgan Ltd.
I am Marli, and I started Olivia Morgan Ltd back in 2014 just as I was finishing University. In 2015 I took the leap and ventured into the world of full time self employment. In November of the same year I was accepted on to Not On The Highstreet, this is when my business really started to take off.
This is me, hello! Back in 2014 when I graduated from Winchester School Of Art.
I have always been a creative and independent person so it wasn't a surprise to my family when I left my full time job after University to fulfil my dreams!
I ran Olivia Morgan Ltd from my spare bedroom up until March 2017. I now have a small but quaint studio space twenty minutes away from home. This now where everything gets designed, made and packed up. I have one part time employee who helps me make and pack up orders, its so great to have a helping hand.

This is where all the orders are made, in Wiltshire, just outside the beautiful city of Salisbury
The name of the business comes from my middle name and surname, I wanted something that is personal and to put my name to the business. I have always preferred my middle name to my first name! So far my biggest achievement in the business is going ltd, I am officially a proper and recognised company which makes me extremely proud.
This was Christmas 2018 when my family came down to help for the weekend! It is all hands on deck when its Christmas.
The biggest step came at the same time I employed Sophie, all before Christmas 2016. It was a very scary but exciting time, as it was a real turning point for the business, my dreams would be made or broken from this point onwards.
So thats a little bit about me, but follow me on social media @oliviamorganltd to see behind the scenes, and of course see more of Mini.

This is Mini trying to be helpful! She now stays at home whilst I work from the studio down the road.